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Joel T. Harris
Harris Law, LLC
I use the experience I gain through my multiple practice areas to help tweak the strategies we employ in our cases. When a family law case comes into our office, we immediately start gathering information. We take a client-centred approach that evaluates the needs of the client in all aspects. Then, we use the facts, goals, and legal climate of that case to assist in putting pieces in play that will result in reaching our client’s end goals.
Joel T. Harris
Harris Law, LLC
I use the experience I gain through my multiple practice areas to help tweak the strategies we employ in our cases. When a family law case comes into our office, we immediately start gathering information. We take a client-centred approach that evaluates the needs of the client in all aspects. Then, we use the facts, goals, and legal climate of that case to assist in putting pieces in play that will result in reaching our client’s end goals.
Deanna K. Scott
BOARD MEMBER - CLE Coordinator
Deanna K. Scott Law, LLC
Offering services in family law, guardianships, and simple estate planning. Office in Ozark, Missouri.